From Flowers to Fiddles
A quick update…
Well, the shop is starting to take shape. I've been painting and cleaning furiously and trying to convert the shop to look less like its previous self (a florist) and more like a violin shop. No matter how much I get rid of, I keep finding bottles of plant feed and leaf shiner spray stashed away! However the plant feed for roses I am collecting for use in my father in law's beloved rose patch - hoping to earn some brownie points!
Perhaps the most important change that's happened is that we now have a state-of-the-art electronic shutter system and new improved front door so that all of the lovely instruments are safe. It feels a bit like Fort Knox, but far better to be over secure than under. Our new storage room incorporates some of our violin storage from London as well as a new wall of pigeon holes for violins and violas – I have a feeling we will need some more storage very soon!
I have also been working hard to set up a functioning photography studio in one of our basement rooms: this will be really useful for creating great pictures of our own instruments for the website but also for offering a photography service to our customers. It is really important to have high-quality pictures of your instrument or bow for your own records, not least because if it were ever to be stolen then clear pictures of the instrument will really help in the retrieval process.
Coming soon is my desk, something I'm especially excited about! I intend to spend many happy hours there with my violin books and instruments for research…
More updates to follow (and any advice on flooring repairs more than welcome!)...

Tim Wright Fine Violins Edinburgh shop