Cello by Daniel Parker, London, circa 1720

Cello by Daniel Parker, London, circa 1720

About Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker is both one of the most celebrated and one of the most mysterious English makers. Whilst his origins are not currently known, his impact on British making cannot be understated. We can be sure of his connection to both Barak Norman and John Hare, as his hand often is detectable in instruments bearing their labels.

Parker is known as one of the earliest copyists of Stradivari, having most likely seen a Long Pattern Strad belonging to the Cremonese violinist Gaspare Visconti who visited London as early as 1703. Though his work is varied, it is of consistently high quality, and there are a number of making habits that can been seen throughout his output. His tendency towards Stradivari's Long Pattern seems to have inspired other later British makers, including Charles Harris and Matthew Hardie.

Parker's instruments are enormously prized for their tonal qualities and fascinating history. Fritz Kreisler was perhaps his greatest ambassador, famously tricking his admirers by claiming that his Parker was a Stradivari!

About this cello

This cello was made in London between 1710 and 1720.

The cello has a two piece back of slab cut maple with ribs of plainer maple. The later scroll is of plain maple. The front is two pieces of spruce of varying width and the varnish is a rich reddish brown, laid over a lighter golden ground.

The cello has a length of back of 734 mm and a vibrating string length of 691 mm.

How does it sound?

This is a cello that feels alive! It is incredibly resonant and gives the audience the sense that it's breathing. It's extremely responsive and has a characterful, authoritative voice with the kind of beauty that draws you in. Its limitless colour palette and effortless projection means that the cello will make a superb solo instrument.


The cello is in excellent restored condition and has undergone a significant restoration in order to prepare it for sale. The instrument has received a soundpost crack to the back which is of course now soundly repaired.


The cello comes with the certificate of John Dilworth.

Further information

Please get in touch for more details about this fine English cello by Daniel Parker for sale and a member of our team will get back to you.

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