Violin by John Dilworth, London, 2018

This violin has now sold.

Violin by John Dilworth, London, 2018

About John Dilworth

John Dilworth is one of the UK´s foremost violin makers and experts. He studied at the Newark School of Violin Making from 1975 to 1979 and went on to work at J. & A. Beare in London. Since 1991 he has had his own workshop in London, focussing on restoration and the making of new instruments. John is also highly respected for his expertise: his in-depth understanding of the great masters informs his own making and results in truly stunning instruments.

About the violin

This violin was made in 2018 and is modelled after Guadagnini´s Milan period instruments.

The violin has a two piece back of quarter-sawn maple, the flame descending slightly from the centre joint. The ribs and scroll are of similar wood. The front is two pieces of straight-grained spruce. True to Guadagnini´s Milan period, the varnish is a bold red colour. The violin is unantiqued.

The violin has a length of back of 353 mm.

How does it sound?

Dark and bold and full of nuance! The violin is satisfyingly punchy and robustly responsive. It´s even across the strings and performs well in all styles, particularly in demanding twentieth century repertoire. This is a violin that really gets its teeth into the music.


The violin is in original mint condition and comes with a receipt from the maker.

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