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Violin Bow by Johannes O. Paulus, Markneukirchen
About the Paulus family
The Paulus dynasty was founded by bow maker Otto Paulus who started the company in Markneukirchen in 1923. His son Johannes learnt bow making from his father and from Adolf C. Schuster, graduating from his apprenticeship in 1950.
About the bow
The bow is typical of Johannes Paulus´ work: it is his standard model and exhibits his usual neat craftsmanship. This violin bow was bought direct from the maker in the 1960s: it was actually bought as a replacement for another Paulus bow which was damaged in an accident! It is quite a testament to the maker that the owner decided they simply had to have another.
The mounts are of silver and ebony and the bow weighs 65g: a lot of the weight is balanced towards the heel, making the bow feel surprisingly agile in the hand. The stick measures 729 mm in length.
How does it play?
The stick is octagonal and is lively when played off the string. It is very slightly on the strong side of middling in terms of strength, giving a little more resistance.
Unlike its unlucky predecessor, this bow is in excellent condition. The bow is stamped Johs. O. Paulus on the player side above the frog. The frog also bears the Paulus brand.
Further information
Please get in touch for more details about this German violin bow for sale and a member of our team will get back to you.