Festival of Modern Making - Gareth Ballard
Gareth is a London-based luthier whose workshop is situated on Lambeth Walk. He began his working life as a performing musician and composer, having graduated in 2000 with a BA Honours Degree in Music specialising in composition.
As his passion for the violin grew, Gareth decided to travel to Italy to find a violin maker who would help him learn the craft. Following time spent in Jesi with the luthier Giuseppe Quagliano he returned to England in 2004 to complete a 3-year Diploma at the celebrated Newark School of Violin Making.
After time spent gaining experience in Europe and 3 years working in the workshop of Bridgewood and Neitzert in North London, Gareth set up his own workshop and now divides his time between new making and restoration.
In the video below, Gareth shows us around his workshop and explains how he uses computer modelling and light panels as integral parts of his making process.
Examples of Gareth's work:
Ballard Amati Violin

Ballard Ole Bull Violin

Ballard Strad Violin

Ballard Viola